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(Ad)Ventura to OSU - Meet Kelly Moran

Home has always been in Ventura, California for Kelly, with most of her family living there and just a few others throughout Oregon, but Kelly knew more than anything that she didn’t want to go to college in California. She reasoned, like many other college students, “sometimes you just need to move far away, it’s a chance to reinvent yourself.”

On a trip to visit campus before applying Kelly timed it perfectly, weather wise, and arrived on a day rare to the people who live in the Willamette valley. “It was just like today,” she said, referring to the sunny 75 degree day we were having, “…and I knew that I could picture myself here, studying on campus and going to Oregon State University.”

Kelly, now a 21 year old junior in the digital communication arts program has found her calling in life. When asked what she pictures as her end result when she graduates, she said that her dream job is to work for a record label or something in the music industry. “I can’t sing or play instruments, nothing like that, I’ve just always loved music,” she said. Kelly currently is finishing out her practicum this term (Spring 2015) as a volunteer for KBVR, part of Oregon State University’s orange media network.

Her love of music can be traced back to when she was a young girl in Ventura, she recalls always owning the newest of the Now CD’s and being the one in her friend group who could identify almost any song that played. Even today, Kelly bonds with her sorority sisters over music, “It’s interesting because I have some friends with whom I can only connect to through music.” Kelly hasn’t forgotten home back in Ventura, but instead she now has a second home here at OSU where she continues to make new friends through her love of music and passion for her dream career in the music business.

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